Product Design, Prototyping and Testing

Widney has full design capabilities utilizing CATIA, Draft Sight and AutoCAD. Customer and supplier CAD data can be Interchange via STEP or IGES formats from other design packages.

technical prototyping software

Prototyping using 3D printing on a Zoltax M200 or from established print houses. Testing to Internal or external standards such as SANS or customer specific requirements

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Process Design and Fabrication

Process design is the key to efficient processes leading to cost effect products at Automotive Original Equipment Manufacture quality standards.

  • Process design implementation using CNC and Robotic Programming
  • Jig, fixture and tool design and manufacture can be done internally or by a number of tool suppliers
  • Value Engineering is carried out on all new designs to ensure optimal manufacturing costs

Project Management

Projects are carried out via the TS 16949 AP and PAPP process.

Continuous cost reduction and quality improvement is carried out via Value Analysis process using teams to look for improvements on a weekly basis.

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