About Widney Transport Components
Widney Transport Components was formed in the early 1950s and has established itself as the leading sliding window designer and manufacturer in Southern Africa.
The Company is the only local accredited sliding window supplier for Toyota, Isuzu, General Motors and Nissan.
In 1996, Widney was bought by Shatterprufe, a member of the PG Group. Widney has been at the forefront of transformation in the motor industry and has become the first black empowered sliding window supplier to the South African bus industry.
Widney’s Mission Statement
Widney maintains its position as the leading manufacturer of quality aluminium framed sliders in Southern Africa by:
- Outperforming customer expectations.
- Developing and empowering our employees.
- Achieving world class safety and quality standards.
- Reducing interest by focusing on reduction in working capital.
- Reducing costs and striving to find new cost effective ways of doing business.
- Investing in appropriate equipment and business systems to enhance productivity, quality and efficiency.
- Growing to exploit our capacity and invest only in profitable niches.
- Growing margins through the management of products and market profitability.
We consider it important to improve the quality of life of the communities in which we operate, and give preference to areas in which our employees may benefit. We act in an environmentally responsible manner at all times and give our full commitment to maintaining a safe workplace.